Course Description
So, you want to keep workshopping your material with people you trust? Then it’s time to join LIT’s Comedy Writers’ Room! In this nine-week online room facilitated by an experienced comedy instructor, you'll bring whatever comedy material you’re working on to workshop with the group. Writers need feedback to quickly turn their ideas into solid content and having a writers’ room that is organized and curated for you will make it that much easier. PREREQUISITES: LIT’s 101 &; 201 Course Graduate or permission of instructor. Sessions are two hours long each week for nine weeks (except for holidays). Students may miss sessions at their discretion. All sales final. No refunds.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
All sales are final. No refunds. A LIT instructor may dismiss a students from the course without the right to a refund if they violate LIT’s policies for privacy, inclusion and anti-harassment. No make-up sessions will be provided if a student misses class. Classes may be recorded to assist students who miss class. Recordings are not guaranteed. If a recording of a class is shared with the students of this course, it may not be shared with anyone outside of this course. If a student consents to LIT taking photos or recordings of them for promotional purposes, those files are owned by LIT and shall be used for those purposes. LIT’s services are for educational and training purposes.